
Daily Activities that Accumulate Injuries

Daily Activities that Accumulate Injuries

daily activities beverly hillsSeveral common household tasks can cause accidental injuries to the back, neck and extremity joints and tendons, causing back and neck pain, bulging and herniated discs and repetitive motion injuries. It is important to stop performing any activity that causes you pain and seek the treatment of our chiropractor if you suspect you have a back or joint injury.

Common Activities That Can Lead To Accidental Injuries

Some of the most common household injuries include, improper lifting, poor posture while working on a computer or watching TV, slips and falls, gardening and housecleaning. Improper lifting and poor posture can cause back and neck pain. Slips and falls can cause misalignments in the back, muscle and tendon strains and bulging and herniated discs. Gardening and housecleaning can lead to tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome and lower back pain.

Activities That Hinder Recovery

Recovery does not start and stop with each chiropractic session. It continues after the session until the injury is fully healed. At our practice, most individuals opt to receive treatments three days a week for 60 minutes. That leaves six days and 21 hours open to the individual to continue their healing, stall the process or reinjure themselves.

Because the risk of reinjury is so great during the healing process, individuals should do everything within their power to follow our chiropractor’s instructions for at-home care. If you are being treated for a back or neck injury, it is important to not lift heavy things, focus on good posture and not spend too many hours a day sitting or working at a computer. These tasks could put pressure on the back and cause pain or reinjury.

If you are being treated for a repetitive motion injury such as carpel tunnel or tennis elbow, it is important to rest the area and not perform tasks that would stress the ligaments and muscles of the elbow, forearm and wrist, including gardening, crocheting or any other task that requires precise fine motor control.

Do you follow doctor’s orders when you are being treated for an accidental injury?

Related Pages:

Personal Injury


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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "They care and have a nice time doing it. I am thinking of going back again, but I am too embarrassed about not having continued with the exercises he prescribed. He said, Do them or you will come back here with worse...and guess what? I am too embarrassed to go back! But still will, I think..."
    Sydney J.
  • "Dr.Dan and his staff are the best! This team runs like a well oiled machine. They work diligently to get you in and out on time for your appointment. I tweaked my back and Dr.Dan and his staff helped me get back on my feet in now time! I highly recommend them."
    Tonissa M.